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My first business and marriage failure almost killed me. I was left emotionally exhausted,  mentally burnt-out and financially destitute. 


The second time around with marriage and business combined, I was much wiser. I knew many of the pitfalls that happened within relationships, and so I could apply better strategies into making things work a lot smoother.


Are you constantly arguing with your spouse over business matters? Is the family-owned business, bulldozing its way through every facet of your life?  When was the last time you had a "Date Night" together? 


These are all tell-tale signs that the business could be significantly impacting your relationship with your partner or spouse. 


At last there is a book that provide insight into HOW to turn things around before it is too late.  Readers gain a deeper understanding as to how to remove obstacles to a successful and passionate relationship, as well as focusing on the best way to work together to maximise the success of your joint business efforts.


Dynamic Duo's in Business is a fantastic book providing real life examples, strategies and tools to make living and business easier for both of you.   Combining over 21 years business experience with world class business strategies, Julie Richman brings her best knowledge to the table, in order to save marriages and support business growth.


"Julie is one of the most clear-headed and strategic thinkers I know. Whatever the question or situation, she manages to come up with the right solution, every time."



"I pride myself on being logical and systematic in my approach to business and processes so it is not lightly when I say I was amazed with Julie's knowledge."

Tam Ho - 7DCi

Book - Dynamic Duos: The essential guide for couples in business together

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  • This book helps couples in business navigate the challenges of living loving and working together.  If you are finding it difficult to keep the relationship spark alive while working with your significant other, then this book is for you.  Share insights, talk it over and gain some excellent communication tools within this book to enhance your relationship and build an amazing future together

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